The Communities of Nunatsiavut

Nunatsiavut (‘Our Beautiful Land’), Labrador, Canada is one of the four Inuit regions of Canada, or Inuit Nunangat (Inuit Homelands). Home to the Labrador Inuit and their ancestors for thousands of years, Nunatsiavut Inuit continue to rely on and thrive from the natural environment, and actively participate in hunting, trapping, fishing, and foraging. There are approximately 2600 people living in Nunatsiavut, spread between the five communities of Nain, Hopedale, Postville, Makkovik, and Rigolet.To explore region through pictures, digital stories, and longer interviews from people in *Attutauniujuk Nunami*, as well as to find links to research reports and articles, click on each community.


Tony Andersen

Susan Saksagiak

Noah Nochasak


Myrtle Groves

John Winters

Mary Andersen


Glen Sheppard

James Goudie

Diane Gear

Greg Jaque

Stephen Rose


Marilyn Baikie

Kevin Jacque

Derrick Pottle

Kenny Michelin

Charlotte Wolfrey


Wayne Piercy

Rosie Hurley

Melvin Hurley

Kim Dicker

Kevin Flowers

Ian Winters

Piercy Boase